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Survivor Stories – Diamante Lavendar

My name is Diamante Lavendar.  I am a survivor of sexual abuse, substance abuse, post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and sleep unnamed-2disturbances.  All because of the sexual abuse I suffered.  I also had problems with depression and suicidal ideations.

I wrote a book entitled Breaking The Silence to help other victims know they aren’t alone and that there is hope in healing from this type of trauma.
Sexual abuse takes away so much from the victim.  It is emotionally and spiritually staggering.  It rips out the guts of the victim and threatens to destroy the victim forever.  But it is only a threat…not a reality.  Yes, it is possible to recover and find peace and joy in life once again.  Though the task may seem daunting, it is entirely possible to heal.
The most important thing I could tell another victim is not to give in to the victim mentality.  That is what will put you under.  You must rise up within yourself and find the champion…the underdog who is willing to fight for freedom.  We all have a champion within us.  Find it and take back your life.  Don’t just give your life away to your abuser.  Your abuser does not deserve the privilege of destroying you forever.  Don’t allow it to happen.  Take the positive steps of therapy, belief in yourself, belief in God and hope for the future and become what you were meant to be…despite what your abuser has done!
You were put on this earth for a purpose.  For a unique reason…a positive, good reason.  Find that reason and put it into motion.  Create your beautiful future.  It is up to you to take the steps to create beauty out of the ashes of your life.
I have a website at where I write inspirational material.  I also have a newsletter signup there.  Both are free.  I invite you to join me.  I believe life is a sacred experience.  Find the strength, the power and the internal dialogue to be the positive person God created you to be!  Do it for yourself and those you hold dear.  It is the greatest gift you could give to yourself and your loved ones!

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